I want you as a customer! So, I’m giving you this 28 Day Mediterranean Diet Program by email today as ‘a gift’.
Mainly so you can see if you like my stuff!
*If you don’t, that’s ok too. You can keep it anyway.

In The 28 Days Mediterranean Diet Program, You’ll get:
- ZA FREE copy of the 28-Day Mediterranean Diet Maintenance Program (value $25)
- ZWhich Includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert recipes
- ZAccess to the MAIN, informative, Mediterranean Diet website & information
- ZAccess to further health tips and bonuses from time to time and..
- ZAccess to the Recipes Trial as well
Experience the rich variety of fresh, unprocessed foods and access the wonderful easy recipes trial. A lifestyle that has been proven to help protect you against chronic diseases and promote healthy aging.
Distinct nutritional benefits way beyond its fabulous taste.

Mediterranean Diet Information
This whole category discloses more and more information on the Mediterranean diet as we discover it. We accept content from Universities and Research institutes on the Mediterranean diet and related information here. You can also make your contributions through the Contact page to this segment however, you must be qualified to do so or it will be rejected – sorry!. The information on the following pages is broad and diverse. Eventually we may break this section down into sub sections over time.
Get your own Mediterranean Diet eBook here
Where this category could perhaps list hundreds of relevant paperbacks and hardcover books, we will simply go straight to what we believe will be the best source of books for this category – Mediterranean diet books.
The first is the Mediterranean diet cookbook which literally speaks for itself. The second is what has become known as the Mediterranean diet book which is a compilation of what comprises the diet and a guide to using the diet. Both are worth visiting.
Mediterranean Diet Recipes
Mediterranean Diet Recipes are good for your health and wellbeing. We will be adding to these recipes continually until we have a more sophisticated recipe delivery system in place.
Meanwhile you can stay in touch with any new additions to this recipe section, or indeed any other post to this site by adding your email to the box in the right column or you may choose to the RSS function. Either one will keep you reliably updated unless you change your email address that is!
Get the Mediterranean Diet Recipes TRIAL here
The big benefit here is that there are over 1,500 recipes to choose from in the entire package. Not 150, but 1,500 recipes! It is quite possibly the largest collection of Mediterranean Recipes available on the internet (or anywhere).
The Mediterranean Recipes package also allows you to choose from breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and yes, even dessert recipes. There are 24 editions. So basically, you’ll never run out!
With your brand new Mediterranean Recipes package, you are going to be able to bring up recipes as you need them. They can even be kept in your cell/mobile phone and you will never have to look them up on Google or buy recipe books again which usually get stained and damaged anyway.
Imagine being able to access Mediterranean recipes when you’re away on holidays, at a friends place, or killing time somewhere, without batting an eye.
You won’t have to fumble through old recipe books or forget to take the recipe book (like me) with you because now of course it’s in your phone or on your computer. My wife prints out her favourites and keeps them in a plastic sleeve on the fridge.
Try it out today!
Disease Prevention
Often the Mediterranean diet receives due praise based on disease prevention and as a preferred diet to minimize health threats.
This information is the result of exhaustive research from many different avenues including the internet and related literature. It is in your best interest to contact your doctor in relation to these issues or diseases to gain clarification.
The information on these pages is for your interest only and does not receive recommendation from this site. Research is ongoing in any arena. That said, it is in your best interest to seek confirmation on this information from your doctor prior to undertaking action on any of the information on these pages.
Mediterranean Diet News
Mediterranean Diet Research Reveals: Red Wine Can Help Mesothelioma Patients
Did you know that adhering to the Mediterranean diet and enjoying a glass of red wine at dinnertime can actually bring a lot of benefits to people suffering from mesothelioma? Yes, it's true! So while medical experts have refrained themselves from recommending...
Mediterranean Diet Research: Fry Foods Without Worrying About Heart Disease
Is it possible to fry your foods without worrying about increasing your risk of heart disease? Well, despite the age old belief that fried foods can inevitably lead to poor heart health and may contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks...
Go Mediterranean and Add 3 Years to Your Life
Do you know that by simply switching to the Mediterranean way of eating, you can add about three years to your life? It's true. Medical experts from the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenberg in Sweden have done their thing to prove this beyond any...