dessertWhen you are in a diet, it is almost impossible to find the word “dessert” anywhere in a diet meal plan. And in the rare moments that you will find some desserts, they are usually really bland and well, not very tasty.

But the Mediterranean diet wants to break that stereotype. The Mediterranean diet, famous for its health benefits and weight loss effects, can offer you more than just fresh fruit salads as you much-needed desserts.

Here, I will share with you two Mediterranean diet desserts that are very easy to make. The first dessert is called “Postres de Music” or the “Musician Dessert” which will only take a maximum of five minutes to prepare! The other dessert is called “Mediterranean dessert” which only needs 20 minutes preparation time and 20 minutes cook time.

Musician Dessert

If you are familiar with the Mediterranean diet, you would have heard that nuts play a big role. Nuts are an excellent source of plant protein and different fatty acids.

The Musician Dessert is perfect for those women who do not have the time to bake or are very pressed for time. When you are making your Postres de Music, adapt it to your needs. Include as many or as few nuts and dry fruits as you like. The following recipe serves four.


– 1½ ounce (50 g) toasted almonds
– Also, 1½ ounce (50 g) toasted hazelnuts
– Then 1½ ounce (50 g) shelled walnuts
– 1 ounce (30 g) pine nuts
– 1½ ounce (50 g) raisins
– 4 to 8 dried figs
– 4 cookies – optional
– 4 small glasses sweet dessert wine– optional

1. Roast the almonds and hazelnuts if you didn’t buy them toasted.
2. Shell the walnuts, if they are unshelled.
3. Mix the nuts and fruits in one platter.

Mediterranean Scones

Mediterranean scones are really perfect for breakfast or afternoon snacks. But they can be your every day desserts too. Best served warm and buttered, Mediterranean scones is very easy to make and even an inexperienced baker can do this recipe very well.

This recipe is good for four to five people and you could store it for up to three days as long as it is in an airtight container.

– 350g self-rising flour
– 1 tbsp. baking powder
– ¼ tsp. salt
– 50g butter
– 1 tbsp. olive oil
– 8 halves Italian sundried tomatoes
– 100g feta cheese
– 10 black olives
– 300ml full fat milk
– 1 egg

1. Heat the oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7.

2. Butter (or use olive oil) a large baking sheet.

3. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder and salt.

4. Rub in the butter with the oil, until the mixture resembles fine crumbs, then add the tomatoes, cheese and olives.

5. Make a well in the centre, pour in the milk and mix with a knife, using a cutting movement, until it becomes a soft dough.

6. Use all the milk – it helps give a light texture.

7. Flour your hands and the work surface well, and shape the dough into a round, about 3-4 cm thick.

8. Cut into eight wedges and place them well apart on the baking sheet. Brush with beaten egg and bake for 15-20 mins. until risen, golden and springy to the touch.

9. Transfer to a wire rack and cover with a clean tea towel to keep them soft.

You can get started with these hand selected (by yours truly) traditional Mediterranean diet recipes or you can do nothing. I’ll leave it up to you :-)

I hope this article has also been of interest or some help.

Ray Baker