Why Cucumber Is So Cool

Why Cucumber Is So Cool

We often hear the phrase “cool as a cucumber” and this is for a reason.  Cucumbers have high water content so they give a very unique moist and cooling taste.  Cucumbers are in season from May to July so they are great additions to many Mediterranean diet recipes...
Things You Should Know About Basil

Things You Should Know About Basil

Basil is an herb that is found in many Mediterranean diet recipes.  It is very fragrant plant and has round leaves with pointed ends.  It looks a lot like peppermint.  The basil leaf is what is commonly used in food preparations and its leaves usually come in green...
The Health Benefits From Cauliflower

The Health Benefits From Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable and it belongs to the same plant family ad cabbage, kale, broccoli, and collards.  Its compact head is called a curd and is composed of undeveloped flower buds.  When raw, its texture is a bit spongy yet firm.  It has a faintly...