Discover the Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet - Unlock a Healthier Lifestyle with Our Delicious Recipes

I want you as a customer! So, I’m giving you this 28 Day Mediterranean Diet Program by email today as ‘a gift’.

Mainly so you can see if you like my stuff!

*If you don’t, that’s ok too. You can keep it anyway.

The Mediterranean Diet Hub - Your Source for Nourishing and Flavorful Mediterranean Recipes

In The 28 Days Mediterranean Diet Program, You’ll get:

  • ZA FREE copy of the 28-Day Mediterranean Diet Maintenance Program (value $25)
  • ZWhich Includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert recipes
  • ZAccess to the MAIN, informative, Mediterranean Diet website & information
  • ZAccess to further health tips and bonuses from time to time and..
  • ZAccess to the Recipes Trial as well

Experience the rich variety of fresh, unprocessed foods and access the wonderful easy recipes trial. A lifestyle that has been proven to help protect you against chronic diseases and promote healthy aging.

Distinct nutritional benefits way beyond its fabulous taste.

Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet for Women - Discover the Reasons Behind Its Popularity

Mediterranean Diet Information

This whole category discloses more and more information on the Mediterranean diet as we discover it. We accept content from Universities and Research institutes on the Mediterranean diet and related information here. You can also make your contributions through the Contact page to this segment however, you must be qualified to do so or it will be rejected – sorry!. The information on the following pages is broad and diverse. Eventually we may break this section down into sub sections over time.

Get your own Mediterranean Diet eBook here

Try Our Tasty Mediterranean Recipe eBook - A Sneak Peek into the Flavors of the Mediterranean Diet

Where this category could perhaps list hundreds of relevant paperbacks and hardcover books, we will simply go straight to what we believe will be the best source of books for this category – Mediterranean diet books.

The first is the Mediterranean diet cookbook which literally speaks for itself. The second is what has become known as the Mediterranean diet book which is a compilation of what comprises the diet and a guide to using the diet. Both are worth visiting.

Mediterranean Diet Recipes

Two Mediterranean Diet Desserts for Women On-the-Go

When you are in a diet, it is almost impossible to find “desserts” anywhere in a diet meal plan. And in the rare moments that you will find some desserts, they are usually really bland and well, not very tasty.

A Mediterranean Diet and Athletes

Just a few days ago, two fencing coaches from New York traveled to Naples, Italy to start their Mediterranean Diet study and how it affects the overall performance of athletes. It was a six month long study and its focus is to promote the benefits of the Mediterranean diet to athletes and how much more beneficial it is than fast food.

“This Mediterranean Diet is Oh So Tasty!”

It may comes as a surprise to some but there is more to the Mediterranean than sun, beach and wine… there is the Mediterranean Diet…

Mediterranean diet snack and side dish recipes

Honey Curls 6 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 3/4 cups flour 1/3 cup vegetable oil 4 cups vegetable oil (for deep-frying) Beat the eggs well with vanilla extract. Add the flour slowly, kneading lightly. Add the 1/3 cup oil and mix well. Separate the dough into five...

A Moussaka Recipe For You

One of my very favorite meals of all time. It never gets thrown away and puts a smile on every ones face at meal time. This traditional Mediterranean meal is a Greek dish and it includes not only traditional eggplant and lamb, but also potatoes for a tasty, comfort food casserole. It’s as easy as pie too (excuse the food pun)…

Mediterranean diet dinner recipes

  Curried Shrimp & Peppers Serves 4 * 2 medium red bell peppers, cut into large pieces * 1/2 pound unpeeled sweet potatoes, quartered * 1/2 cup canned chicken broth diluted with 1/4 cup water, or 3/4 cup homemade chicken broth * 4 (not oil-packed) sun-dried...

Mediterranean diet breakfast recipes

Breakfast pizza: Manouche, Lebanon's favorite pastry Serves 4 For the dough * 2 1/4 cups (500 g) flour * 2 teaspoons salt * 1 tablespoon sugar (not heaped) * 1 teaspoon active dried yeast * 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil * 1 1/4 cup (30 cl) lukewarm water For the...

What a Mediterranean Diet Menu Should Look Like

What a Mediterranean Diet Menu Should Look Like From what you've heard, a Mediterranean diet holds the power to fight the so-called prosperity diseases (think obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease). It's even used now for weight control. So what does a...

Tuna Salad Recipe (special)

A fine tuna salad recipe from Greece, home of some of the more original Mediterranean diet recipes. This recipe is perhaps a little different to what you may first have thought. Never the less, it’s YUM! This recipe is often accommodated with wine tasting celebrations over the winter periods in Greece. It is a little more involved than the title leads you to believe but it’s really something special and is often regarded as a taste sensation considering it’s a salad.

Mediterranean Diet Recipes Club

Mediterranean diet recipesSome would argue the only reason they prefer Mediterranean diet recipes over others is purely for taste reasons. To those people I hasten to add that there is more to this cullinary delight than how it tastes! For the sake of knowledge alone I would urge you to download the FREE report and watch the video which highlights much of the research undertaken on the diet over the last decade in ten pages. If you’re quick, you can also register for the Mediterranean diet recipes club too.

An Italian On A Mediterranean Diet: Five Tips

Growing up Italian, I marveled at the women and men, in my family, who cooked. Not only were they wonderful chefs but had a natural talent for balancing food groups. There was an emphasis on fresh produce and meat, that I am partial to today. One of my grandmothers used to take me to the chicken store to pick out a chicken. Yes, the chicken was still clucking and running around. Today, although I no longer visit the chicken store to get the freshest poultry available, there are still some valuable lessons to learn…

Artichoke Omelette Recipe

A Mediterranean diet recipe for a Greek artichoke omelette. This is a Greek dish (more so Crete) known as Omeleta me Aginares. There’s nothing like fresh artichokes in spring time, any time actually. Some people use frozen artichokes in the off season periods too. It’s origins (Greece) indicate that it is generally are a larger type of omelette which also includes vegetables. Even the hardest tummies to fill will like this meal.

Mediterranean Style Cod and Tomatoes

Provides a Mediterranean diet recipe for Cod and tomato salad. This is not only really tasty but it is choc-a-bloc with nutrition. You really have to taste this to believe it. It is not a meal for refrigerating and eating later. It is best served fresh and immediately after preparation. Mediterranean style cod and tomato is a common dish which is popular in several countries across the Mediterranean region. This has come about because of its ease and speed of preparation and its tasty flavour.

Mediterranean diet dessert recipes

Honey Almond Peaches 1 can halved peaches, rinsed 2 tablespoons honey ½ cup lowfat ricotta cheese ¼ teaspoon cardamom ¼ cup almonds Rinse the peach halves, and arrange them face up on baking sheet. Mix ricotta cheese thoroughly with honey and cardamom. Spoon the...

Bruschetta recipe for the taste experts

Provides a Bruschetta recipe way more tasty than the more common Bruschetta recipe. Bruschetta is a popular favourite among many Mediterranean countries and has developed according to taste. You’ll love this because it’s so easy to prepare and it tastes great. There is a choice of cheeses because now many people are adopting Feta as a tasty alternative to Parmesan – you choose the cheese you prefer. I like both! This is one of the easiest Mediterranean diet recipes to prepare and is great when you’re short on time, guests are coming or you’re about to watch a good DVD with a friend. Here’s how you do it.

Mediterranean diet lunch recipes

Mediterranean Pasta Serves: 4 recipe ingredients 4 cups chopped tomato 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper 1 clove garlic — minced 4 cups cooked angel hair pasta 1/4...

Tzatziki (a Greek appetizer)..Yum!

Tzatziki is traditionally served as an appetizer and can be left out as an accompaniment to any meal. The key to great tzatziki is the thick creamy texture that allows it to be eaten alone, as a dip, or a spread.

It is really tasty and is highly recommended for all ages. Did I mention it is soooo easy to prepare too?

Mediterranean Diet Recipes are good for your health and wellbeing. We will be adding to these recipes continually until we have a more sophisticated recipe delivery system in place.

Meanwhile you can stay in touch with any new additions to this recipe section, or indeed any other post to this site by adding your email to the box in the right column or you may choose to the RSS function. Either one will keep you reliably updated unless you change your email address that is!

Get the Mediterranean Diet Recipes TRIAL here

The big benefit here is that there are over 1,500 recipes to choose from in the entire package. Not 150, but 1,500 recipes! It is quite possibly the largest collection of Mediterranean Recipes available on the internet (or anywhere).

The Mediterranean Recipes package also allows you to choose from breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and yes, even dessert recipes. There are 24 editions. So basically, you’ll never run out!

With your brand new Mediterranean Recipes package, you are going to be able to bring up recipes as you need them. They can even be kept in your cell/mobile phone and you will never have to look them up on Google or buy recipe books again which usually get stained and damaged anyway.

Imagine being able to access Mediterranean recipes when you’re away on holidays, at a friends place, or killing time somewhere, without batting an eye.

You won’t have to fumble through old recipe books or forget to take the recipe book (like me) with you because now of course it’s in your phone or on your computer. My wife prints out her favourites and keeps them in a plastic sleeve on the fridge.

Try it out today!

Disease Prevention

Often the Mediterranean diet receives due praise based on disease prevention and as a preferred diet to minimize health threats.

This information is the result of exhaustive research from many different avenues including the internet and related literature. It is in your best interest to contact your doctor in relation to these issues or diseases to gain clarification.

The information on these pages is for your interest only and does not receive recommendation from this site. Research is ongoing in any arena. That said, it is in your best interest to seek confirmation on this information from your doctor prior to undertaking action on any of the information on these pages.

Mediterranean Diet Health Benefits Include Preventing Osteoporosis

Insights into research on preventing osteoporosis with the Mediterranean diet. Sticking to a Mediterranean Diet would appear to now have another health benefit. A study just released from the Harokopio University of Athens (Greece) has shown a definite link between the Mediterranean Diet and improved bone mass. This could be important news for the 10 million osteoporosis sufferers reported in the United States alone. Osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones, effects up to 55% of the over 50 population.

Sleep Apnea Treatment with the Mediterranean Diet

Sleep apnea is medically defined as a common disorder that disrupts a person’s normal breathing pattern while he sleeps. In people with sleep apnea, breathing usually becomes very shallow and may even stop briefly for about 10 to 20 seconds several times during the night. In fact, it is not uncommon for people with this condition to experience such breathing interruptions hundreds of times during the duration of their sleep.

The Essential Role of the Mediterranean Diet in Gout Prevention

You have the power to prevent and manage gout attacks. All you need to do is to live a healthier and more active lifestyle, take your medications, and avoid factors that may trigger another painful attack. With a little discipline and a stronger resolve, everything, including preventing gout attacks, is entirely possible!

Uncovering the Secrets of Fighting Cancer with the Mediterranean Diet

Can the Mediterranean diet stop cancer in its tracks or at least help prevent it? Can it significantly reduce your cancer risks? Well, considering that one in every four deaths in the United States is due to one form of cancer or another, this issue can be considered to be of such vital importance. You may be glad to learn that by adhering to the guidelines set by the Mediterranean diet, you can help to keep cancer at bay. Just how does it do that? Let us count the ways.

Mediterranean Diet and IBS – How to Tame the Pain

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a complex digestive disorder that affects about 20% of the world’s population. 70% of all people diagnosed with IBS usually exhibit very mild symptoms while the other 25% may exhibit moderately serious symptoms. However, it is sad to not that the remaining 5% of those diagnosed with this condition are prone to suffer from severe IBS symptoms.

Conquering Fatty Liver with the Mediterranean Diet

Fatty liver disease is not something you should take lightly. As such, you should do everything in your power to prevent it from affecting you and your loved ones. And the best thing that you can do is to know what causes it and how you can identify it as soon as it strikes.

Why Do They Say That The Mediterranean Diet is Good for Women

Six Reasons the Mediterranean Diet Promotes Good Health

Over the course of the past forty years, women the world over have become particularly concerned about their diets. They have become concerned about diet related issues for two primary reasons:…

Stop Stress Attacks with a Mediterranean Diet

Stress attacks may be minimized by the Mediterranean diet. People know no rest when it comes to work. Even when they are in their homes they tend to juggle their jobs with their household chores. Electronic organizers and virtual assistants supposedly will help them stay on track. Stress attacks seem imminent. However, none of these technological aids will answer the school principal inquiries about the repeated absences of your eldest son nor will it change your baby’s diaper while you’re on the highpoint of clinching a deal in a telephone conversation with a customer from Japan.

Healthy Heart Diet: Lower your Risk for Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the top killer diseases worldwide where 30% or approximately 17 million people all over the world suffer from this condition. One could be genetically predisposed but almost 80% of the total cases are attributed to unhealthy lifestyle practices.

More Cancer Fighting Foods To Be Aware Of

We have already established that the Mediterranean diet can stop cancer in its tracks. We discussed how red, yellow, orange and purple fruits and vegetables can help thwart the development of cancer cells and even cause them to die a natural death. Now, true to our promise, here are some other foods that can help protect you against cancer.

6 Reasons Why the Mediterranean Diet Helps You to Have a Longer, Healthier Life

Longevity and The Mediterranean Diet:

Over the course of many generations, observers have been able to discern that the people who populate the region around the Mediterranean Sea live longer lives than do men and women in some other parts of the world. Historically, the reason most often attributed to the longevity…

Mediterranean Diet and Diabetes

Here comes another disease the Mediterranean diet may prevent! In a study published in July 25, 2011 in the “Diabetes Care” journal, it is said that an Imperial College London study has found that following a Mediterranean diet can help reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes!

Beat Diabetes Mellitus with the Mediterranean Diet

Studies have shown that a lot of people are now suffering from diabetes. This condition can cause disruptions in the lives of those who are suffering from this condition. For people on the outside, it may simply mean being forced to stop eating the sweets that they like; but for those who have it, it has led to worse case scenarios like loss of hearing.

Garlic Each Day Keeps A Stroke At Bay

Provides information on the prevention of high blood pressure and strokes with the use of garlic. Great news for all you garlic lovers out there! Recent research at the University of Adelaide, in Australia, has shown a direct link between munching on the smelly stuff and reducing high blood pressure. Untreated high blood pressure is a very real killer. Over 16 million people in the UK and a staggering 73 million in the US suffer from high blood pressure. Two thirds of these people do not have their blood pressure under control. Almost one in three do not even know that they are suffering from high blood pressure.

3 Mediterranean Diet Herbs and Spices You Should Not Ignore

Have you noticed that herbs and spices are placed the very base of the revised Mediterranean diet pyramid? Well, if you will take the time to look at it a little more carefully, you'll see that herbs and spices are put alongside the basic Mediterranean diet staples...

Prevent Arterial Stiffness with the Mediterranean Diet

Did you know that you can effectively prevent arterial stiffness and promote better cardiovascular health by simply adhering to the guidelines of the Mediterranean diet? Yes, you can! I am pretty sure that you are interested to learn more about this so please keep...

How Can Diet Improve Erectile Disfunction?

You may be surprised to know that a lot of men suffer from impotency or erectile dysfunction (ED). In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there can be as many as 30 million men in the US alone who are currently suffering from this condition. However, the figures start to get more serious when you look at the number of ED cases worldwide. Can you believe that one in every ten males all over the world also suffer from erectile dysfunction? Yes, you heard it right. The problem is really that serious.

A Mediterranean Diet and Fighting Cancer – 7 Items to Ponder

Through the course of the past three decades, a significant number of scientific studies have demonstrated that a person’s diet can help to prevent some types of cancer. One diet regimen that appears to have beneficial effects at preventing cancer is the Mediterranean diet plan.

Putting Nuts in the Spotlight

If you want to keep metabolic syndrome at bay, you should strictly adhere to your Mediterranean diet plan and throw in an additional serving of nuts every day. It's guaranteed to help increase your resistance against this condition and the serious health complications...

The link between Mediterranean diet and breast cancer

In order to become and remain healthy and take proper care of our vital organs we need to develop a healthy, nutritious and vitamin rich diet, which can not only help you lead a proper lifestyle but also minimize the risk of diabetes, obesity and as lately researched, different types of cancer.

Using the Power of Mediterranean Diet to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is one form of brain disorder that affects a person’s memory, behaviour and decision-making ability. In the early stages, this may be difficult to diagnose since it may manifest itself as a simple case of forgetfulness due to aging. Later, however, this condition may progress and develop into a condition known as mild cognitive impairment (MCI). You’ll know if your loved one is affected with MCI if he or she exhibits the following symptoms:

6 Reasons Why Doctors & Nutritionists Promote the Mediterranean Diet

Recently, doctors, researchers, scientists and nutritionists have taken a close look at the Mediterranean diet. Nearly universally, these experts and professionals have come away from their examination of the Mediterranean diet with positive perceptions of the dieting scheme.

Can Metabolic Syndrome Risks Be Reduced?

Researchers from Italy and Greece reviewed the results of 50 published studies as a part of a meta analysis which included a total of 534,906 participants. Meaning a statistical analysis of the findings of a similar analysis on the Mediterranean diet.

8 Quick Tips for a Healthy Heart Diet

Dr. Toby Cosgrove, the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic, and a heart surgeon for over thirty years, recently sparked a firestorm of controversy when he told a New York Times reporter that if it were up to him, if there weren’t legal issues, he would not only stop hiring smokers. (The Cleveland Clinic has already done this.) He would also stop hiring obese people.

How to Prevent Gestational Diabetes with the Mediterranean Diet

Did you know that gestational diabetes can be prevented by making some simple changes in your diet? Recent studies show enough compelling evidence that switching to a healthier Mediterranean diet can help pregnant women reduce their risk of developing gestational...

Get Rid of Chronic Pain Once and For All

Do you want to know how you can get rid of chronic pain without using any medications? Do you want to know how you can manage and banish chronic pain safely and effectively? Well, to be quite honest about it, all you need to do is to change the way you eat. It is...

Omega-3 Health Benefits and the Mediterranean Diet – A Winning Combination

Are you aware of the numerous omega-3 health benefits? If you are, then you are probably getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. No? Well, why not? Are you afraid that getting more fat into your diet can be disastrous to your waistline? Well, you shouldn't!...

Mediterranean Diet Health Benefits Include Protecting Unborn Child From Asthma & Allergies

The pregnant women who stuck to a high quality Mediterranean Diet while pregnant had children with much lower incidences of childhood asthma and allergies. While we all know that it is important to consume healthy foods while expecting, and to avoid such things as alcohol and tobacco, this study has highlighted the critical importance of a nutritious pre-natal diet.

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure

The Mediterranean diet is not some new fad diet … dreamed up by a weight-loss “guru” or as a new health measure. It is thousands of years old. People living along the Mediterranean Sea have been eating a natural diet … that has been proven in numerous studies to reduce the risk of heart attack and keep blood pressure from rising…

How Beneficial is the Mediterranean Diet?

We live in a highly competitive world. A lot of things can now be done at the click of a mouse. We are so conditioned to get things done fast that even when it comes to our food, we rarely look at its nutritional value anymore. So, it is no wonder why our diet today relies heavily on a lot of red meat and processed food; both of which are available anywhere. Researchers have said that this dependence on red meat and processed food is one of the leading causes of heart ailments.

Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet

Isn’t it amazing how something so complex like getting fit can be simplified by just two things? Well, that’s because these two simple categories aren’t as simple as it seems. They are just as complicated! At least at first glance.

British Medical Journal Publishes Findings On Mediterranean Diet

Highlights from the British Medical Journal on the Mediterranean diet. While the Mediterranean Diet has been acknowledged for many years as having many health benefits for those who follow that particular eating plan, until now there has been little or almost no formal study collations. However, all of this changed when the British Medical Journal published the findings from the University of Florence, Italy, in September 2008.

Olive Oil Skin Care Tips – Promoting Beauty Inside and Out

Keeping your skin healthier and younger-looking without breaking the bank can be possible – especially if you follow some time-tested olive oil skin care tips discussed in this article. Yes, olive oil can do wonders for your skin, as people in ancient Greece have...

The Top 5 Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is one of the most popular diets in the health and fitness field. There has been much research on on the whole diet, how it works and why it works.

Now, if you don’t really care about that type of mumbo-jumbo or research, you can take my word for it: the Mediterranean diet has been proven to have more than just one benefit.

Study Reveals: Mediterranean Diet Can Prevent Colon Cancer

Nobody wants to live with colon cancer – the third most common cancer affecting both men and women and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. But with the kind of diet most of us are used to, avoiding it can really be quite a...

Polyphenol, Antioxidant-rich Mediterranean diet could slash Alzheimer’s risk

There have been several discoveries over the last few years in relation to the outstanding benefits of the Mediterranean diet. None more important than the recognition of it ability to minimize the affects of Alzheimer’s disease. A stronger following to a Mediterranean-style diet could cut the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by a whopping 68 per cent, a finding from a multi-ethnic study from the US…

How to Prevent Pneumonia with the Mediterranean Diet

Do you know how to prevent pneumonia with the Mediterranean diet? Well, you should – especially since pneumonia has the power to kill people. If you're still not aware of it, more than 50,000 people in the US died of pneumonia in 2009, making it the 8th leading cause...

3 Important Effects of the Mediterranean Diet

Significant research studies have been undertaken since 1970 designed to isolate the benefits of the Mediterranean diet scheme. While the research into the possible benefits of the Mediterranean diet is ongoing and not yet complete, scientists, researchers and nutritionists from around the globe have concluded from their extensive research that the Mediterranean diet is beneficial on a number of levels:

Parkinson’s Disease – Reducing Your Risks with the Mediterranean Diet

Did you know that more than one million Americans and about 10 million people around the world are affected with Parkinson's disease? For those who are not aware of what Parkinson's disease (PD) is, it is a type of motor system disorder that may ultimately interfere...

Female Infertility and the Mediterranean Diet – What You Need to Know

Did you know that female infertility can be reduced by adhering to the Mediterranean way of eating?If you want to learn more about this, then please consider reading the rest of this article. Women who have difficulty getting pregnant may find hope in the results of a...

How to Prevent Heart Disease

4 Primary Reasons How the Mediterranean Diet Promotes Heart Health The term Mediterranean Diet, while widely in use in the 21st century, actually is something of a misnomer. In reality, there is not a diet regimen that is common to all of the countries of the...

Mediterranean Diet News

Go Mediterranean and Add 3 Years to Your Life

Go Mediterranean and Add 3 Years to Your Life

Do you know that by simply switching to the Mediterranean way of eating, you can add about three years to your life? It's true. Medical experts from the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenberg in Sweden have done their thing to prove this beyond any...

Study Reveals: Mediterranean Diet Can Prevent Colon Cancer

Study Reveals: Mediterranean Diet Can Prevent Colon Cancer

Nobody wants to live with colon cancer – the third most common cancer affecting both men and women and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. But with the kind of diet most of us are used to, avoiding it can really be quite a...