artichoke-omelette.jpgThis is a Greek dish (more so Crete) known as Omeleta me Aginares. There’s nothing like fresh artichokes in spring time, any time actually. Some people use frozen artichokes in the off season periods too. It’s origins (Greece) indicate that it is generally are a larger type of omelette which also includes vegetables. Even the hardest tummies to fill will like this meal.

The ingredients

  • 2 pounds (1kg) of fresh or frozen artichoke hearts, (requires about 4 pounds (2 kgs) of fresh artichokes before trimming)
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 6 to 7 eggs plus a dash or tablespoon of water, mixed with a fork
  • 4 cups of salted water

The Preparation

Remove the stem and fresh outer leaves and remember to cut off the top then scoop out all of the choke with a spoon. It’s quite easy.

Place the artichoke hearts in a bowl of lemon juice and a dash of cold water. This stops them from going dark or black.

Boil some water in a pot. Then boil the artichoke hearts and the lemon juice for about 10 to 12 minutes. Make sure you drain everything well and then you cut the hearts into quarters.

Use a non stick frying pan and heat up the extra virgin olive oil using a low heat. At this point you add the artichokes and the lemon juice and let it cook for about 18 to 20 minutes.

Now pour in the beaten eggs over the artichokes but make sure it’s evenly distributed across the frying pan. Turn it twice each side cooking for about 1 minute. This will usually serve 4 or 5 people.

There are hundreds of Mediterranean diet recipes provided when you download my guide on the Mediterranean diet – make sure you at least take a look if you’re considering easy weight loss or a healthy heart diet.