You know that eating Mediterranean-inspired dishes can be good for you, right? Come to think of it, with all the healthy benefits Mediterranean diet recipes bring, you will only be denying your body a lot of good and increasing your risk of developing a number of...
If you have read our previous article entitled Mediterranean Diet – Uncovering the All-Important Role of Herbs and Spices, you certainly know by now the very important role played by Mediterranean herbs and spices in any Mediterranean cuisine. Without a doubt, these...
Is it possible to fry your foods without worrying about increasing your risk of heart disease? Well, despite the age old belief that fried foods can inevitably lead to poor heart health and may contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks...
Have you ever wondered why herbs and spices are placed right at the base of the revised Mediterranean diet food pyramid? They have been clearly put there for a reason, that’s for sure. But why? To know the reason behind this move, let’s take a closer look...
Comparing the cost of an ordinary, fat-filled diet with a healthy, Mediterranean diet is sometimes enough for people to just forego their plan and dream to improve their eating habits. True, Mediterranean diet recipes would compose of buying vegetables, fish and other...