people trying to eat money from a bowlComparing the cost of an ordinary, fat-filled diet with a healthy, Mediterranean diet is sometimes enough for people to just forego their plan and dream to improve their eating habits.

True, Mediterranean diet recipes would compose of buying vegetables, fish and other ingredients that are fresh and of high-quality.

The Mediterranean diet is all about freshness and to make sure that you’re keeping its concept, you have to find the freshest ingredients. But with this freshness and quality comes a hefty price tag.

This, along with the weak economy we live in today poses the question: is the Mediterranean diet worth every penny?

The Ugly Truth

In the US, the Mediterranean diet really gained popularity and a loyal following at around the year 2008. It was generating a buzz because of its long-term effects in weight loss. Aside from that, the many health benefits (cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease prevention and many more) that have scientifically proven as true are enough to entice more people to give it a try.

Statistics also showed that people who live along the Mediterranean Sea lived significantly longer than other people. Next to the longer life span, people living in the 16 countries along the Mediterranean were also much healthier and fit.

But here’s the sad truth: a study conducted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation shows that the Mediterranean diet- rich in olive oil, fresh fruits and vegetables-is slowly dying. The study goes on to say that about 75% of Greeks are overweight.

The eating habits of the people who the Mediterranean diet was patterned from have changed rapidly in recent years and they now prefer foods that represent everything that the Mediterranean diet is not- fatty, salty and toxic.

The Real Truth

So does this mean the Mediterranean is a hoax? Definitely not!

The Mediterranean diet was essentially the diet of Greek peasant farmers in the 1950s. Due to the nature of their work and their living state, they were forced into consuming a diet that is low on fat and calories and minimal consumption of meat, butter and eggs.

This attitude towards eating was exactly why the Mediterranean diet became popular and has long been considered as a great way to improve health and avoid many diseases.

The ideal and real Mediterranean diet is composed of animal products high in saturated fat. It also leans towards more consumption of the freshest fruits and vegetables (high in micro-nutrients, antioxidants), seafood and whole grain.

The Convenient Truth

When you think of the Mediterranean diet and how the cost of the ingredients scares you, think of the Mediterranean diet as an investment. Think long term.

Sure, spending on fast foods and normal food would help you save a few bucks today. But these foods are unhealthy- you know that. You’ll be more at risk for heart attacks, high cholesterol or other illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.

Another way to still maintain healthy eating habits the Mediterranean way is to create a clear and strict food budget. Now, I’m not at liberty to disclose a specific amount that you need to allot for your food expenses- this is something that you only you can answer.

A budget can really help you save on your Mediterranean diet.

  • Carefully plan your daily Mediterranean diet menus and make sure that you stick to them.
  • You can also consider buying certain foods and Mediterranean diet ingredients like olive oil, fruits, spices and some vegetables in bulks.  Just carefully check the quality and its shelf life.

Lastly, and perhaps the most helpful, be creative. A Mediterranean diet does not have to be made up of expensive ingredients. You can easily find resources and recipes that will teach you how to “mix it up” and make your own, inexpensive but still equally healthy version of the Mediterranean diet.

You can access my collection of hand selected Mediterranean diet recipes below. Also, download a FREE report from that link after you sign-up (signing up is free). See the front page for that!

…hope this article helps in some way,

Ray Baker