Published in the American Journal of Epidemiology a recent French study revealed that a Mediterranean diet, which contains vegetables, fruits, extra virgin olive oil and fish, would reduce the risk of cancer developing at post-menopausal women.
After long years of research (commencing in 1990) scientists indicated, that one of the key elements in reducing the risk of breast cancer at post-menopausal women is the Mediterranean diet.
This diet is the best solution if it is effectively combined with proper energy intake and the elimination of junk food consumption.
One of the main benefits of a Mediterranean diet is its high content of food rich in vital nutrients. There are some anti-cancer nutrients, like extra virgin olive oil, which contain an anti-cancer fatty acid, oleic acid that is blocking the main cancer causing agent, oncogene HER-2/neu.
High levels of omega-6 and omega-3 can be found in fish, which is highly favorable, and can be included in the needed anti-cancer nutrients category, together with fiber, vitamin C and E, selenium, polyphenols and glutathione, which can be found in a well developed Mediterranean diet.
According to the study there is a strong connection between diet and cancer risk; furthermore a well developed diet can help in keeping the body free from diseases and healthy.
Note: A Mediterranean diet includes all major food types, which can give overall nutrition to people. This diet type, having vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, vitamin C, E and A, good carbohydrates, olive oil rich in essential oils and anti-cancer fatty acid omega-6 and omega-3 can become the best solution for everyone.
The Mediterranean diet plan is not only beneficial for cancer prevention, but it also gives all the energy and vitality our body needs; strengthens our immune system and it is also one of the best diets for obese or overweight people willing to lose weight and get rid of fat excess.
Contribution from Susan Brown