I once read an article which suggested I read the warning labels on common over-the-counter weight-loss medicines and be prepared to be shocked: “Users may experience abdominal pain, pounding or irregular heartbeat, severe headaches, severe vomiting, severe nervousness, severe restlessness, convulsions, seizures, hallucinations, hostile behavior.” Phew, that’s quite frightening especially when we all know we only get one body to carry out this life with – right?!
Fortunately you wouldn’t be reading this article if you haven’t already at least half made a decision to enter into a healthy diet program for weight loss.
Synthesized and damaging components to force unnatural weight loss are questionable to say the least. More and more conscientious doctors and nutritionists are pointing people toward healthy diets that steer us back to ingredients which involve vegetables, grains, fruits, plenty of water, vegetable oils (olive oil preferably) rather than swing them toward scripts for diet tablets and surgery. Only recently have we begun to realize that a healthy weight loss diet, consistent low impact exercise, healthy lifestyle, pure water, and other simple elements are essential for anyone desiring to lose extra pounds. All too often man and medicines approach has injured lives, organs, and even the spirit of its victims.
One such diet which has been under research and the microscope for good while now and is proving to be one of the most outstanding re discoveries for tens of years is the age old Mediterranean diet. It’s now well known among food researchers, professors and doctors as being filled with live foods rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and thirst-quenching liquids; antioxidants and more; this together with plentiful rest; exercise; and sunshine has proved to be not only easy to follow but extraordinarily tasty. Imagine that, a healthy weight loss diet that’s tasty. We are not talking about a hefty family size pizza here either. The traditional Mediterranean diet is now plauded as being responsible for the longevity, minimal levels of cancer and heart disease among regional Mediterranean people.
The closer we live to nature, the healthier we become. The further we live from nature, the more toxic we become. Toxicity retards body functions and depletes reserves. This of course contributes to weight gain.
Let’s look at some of the important factors that make up a healthy weight loss diet for you to remember;
1. Digestion Is Key–Enhance digestion with digestive enzymes.
2. Ensure Proper Elimination–If you’re not having 1 to 2 bowel movements every day, find a natural fibre rich diet that will help and soon.
3. Drink Pure Water— You need 7 to 8 glasses of purified water daily to flush the kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract. This is absolutely essentail during weight loss.
4. Enjoy Exercise–Cardio (movements that increases heart rate) is also critical for weight loss. Panting and sweating enhance mood, mind function, alertness and memory.
5. Strengthen the Thyroid Gland–Make sure the thyroid gland is not slow (hypoactive). Iodine is one of the best nutrients for your thyroid gland.
6. Find a traditional Mediterranean Diet list of recipes and steer away from processed foods.
7. Stay on the path of vegetables, fruits, grains, fish with little red meat and reduce your egg intake if your eating eggs every day. Eat nothing deep fried. Red wine is fine but in small quantities (1 to 2 glasses per day)
Your best first step is to get the eBook below. You can also get the TRIAL Recipes Package if you think that’s an advantage to you:
Get well and stay well,