Although the Mediterranean diet has been overlooked for many years, dieticians, health professionals and doctors now recommend following eating habits that compose and consume a traditional Mediterranean diet. This is so people can live a better quality of life and a healthier lifestyle more easily.
Reduces Risk of Diseases
The Mediterranean diet actually reduces the risk of many types of diseases. A recent study in the US proved this when more than a million healthy dieters revealed that following a Mediterranean diet reduces diseases such as:
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Cancer mortality
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s disease; and
- Heart Disease
For this study, most health organizations suggest healthy people to accustomed themselves to the style of eating like that of the Mediterranean diet to prevent major chronic diseases mentioned above.
Monounsaturated Fats
Although many people consume quite large amounts of fat in their diet, there is a very low chance of diseases. This is because of the type of the fat being consumed. The diet plan that these people are following consumes large amounts of good fats or monounsaturated fats, which is believed to be present in Mediterranean diet. Our health actually benefit from these kinds of fats. They can be found in nuts, olive oil, fish and all of which are mostly present in the Mediterranean diet.
Avoid Saturated Fats
Whole Grains
Whole grains help your heart. In a Harvard School Health study, people who ate more than 25 grams of whole grains per day cut their risk of heart disease by 15 percent. What’s more great is that if you eat more than 11 grams of bran daily cut your risk by 30 percent. Bran is actually the highest fibre part of whole grains. Other good sources include brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, popcorn and bran muffins.
If you are planning for an after-dinner snack, you might want to try oatmeal or cereals. A study in Columbia University, New York shows that children who regularly eat oats are 50 percent less likely to be overweight.
Plant-based Foods
Traditional Mediterranean diet include fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts. Seven to ten servings a day of fruits and vegetables which are antioxidant rich and lower the level of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol or the bad cholesterols – and more likely to bring up deposits in the arteries. Vegetables such as aubergines, peas, green beans, asparagus and cauliflower are usually made into main meals.
More Fish, Less Red Meat
Mediterranean diet plan has a greater consumption of fish rather than red meat. Fish is normally eaten on a regular basis. Oily fish contains plenty of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids which are beneficial to one’s health. Oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel are the healthiest. Although eating fish and seafood in general, is a healthier option than a diet plan full of red meat. Red meat is not actually popular in Mediterranean and many European countries, which many specialists believe as one of the reasons of fewer incidences of heart diseases in the area.
Red Wine
Alcohol in moderation is said to be good for your health, as it helps reduce the risk of heart disease by keeping the blood a little thin, thus, preventing it from clotting. Red wine contains antioxidants resveratrol, and raises the level of good cholesterol.
An abundance of the components of a Mediterranean diet mentioned above can help you live a healthy lifestyle and have fun in it’s preparation. while enjoying your meals with family and friends.
*You can download a very informative copy of the Mediterranean diet below.
I hope this has been helpful,
Ray Baker