There have been several discoveries over the last few years in relation to the outstanding benefits of the...
Disease Prevention Articles
How to Reduce High Blood Pressure
The Mediterranean diet is not some new fad diet ... dreamed up by a weight-loss "guru" or as a new health measure. It...
3 Important Effects of the Mediterranean Diet
A Look at Research into the Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet Significant research studies have been undertaken since...
6 Reasons Why the Mediterranean Diet Helps You to Have a Longer, Healthier Life
Longevity and The Mediterranean Diet: Over the course of many generations, observers have been able to discern that...
6 Reasons Why Doctors & Nutritionists Promote the Mediterranean Diet
Recently, doctors, researchers, scientists and nutritionists have taken a close look at the Mediterranean diet. Nearly...
A Mediterranean Diet and Fighting Cancer – 7 Items to Ponder
Through the course of the past three decades, a significant number of scientific studies have demonstrated that a...
How to Prevent Heart Disease
4 Primary Reasons How the Mediterranean Diet Promotes Heart Health The term Mediterranean Diet, while widely in use in...
Why Do They Say That The Mediterranean Diet is Good for Women
Six Reasons the Mediterranean Diet Promotes Good Health Over the course of the past forty years, women the world over...